
Jubilee Travel Blogs

Take Time to Visit the Italian City of Verona

02/04/2016 in Verona

The City of Verona was established in the 1st century BC as a Roman colony. The city would thrive in the 13th and 14th centuries AD under the leadership of Scalinger Family and in the 15th to 18th century as part of the larger Republic of Venice.

Verona is home to some of the best preserved monuments from the medieval and...

10 Things You Probably Didn’t Know About Anguilla But Should

02/03/2016 in Anguilla

Anguilla is one of the British overseas territories located on the leeward side of the Lesser Antilles. The island is a holidaymaker's haven. Even better is the fact that it is a tax haven and thus attracts businessmen from all over the world. If you are planning a visit there, you need to know the following;

1.    It is a tax...

5 Cool Facts About Hobart

02/03/2016 in Hobart

After Sydney in New South Wales, the Tasmanian Capital - Hobart - is the second oldest city in Australia. For those who are not in the know, Tasmania is an island and a state within the territory of Australia. The city is located on the estuary of the Derwent River and its most dominant feature is Mount Wellington with a...

Where To Get The Best Oysters In Paris

02/03/2016 in Paris

Of course being the world's romance and fashion capital, Paris, the capital of France, is expected to have classy dining eateries. Below are the top oyster eateries in Paris.

1. Huîtrerie Régis

With a limited space of 25 people but with the best oysters in town, you will need to be a superman to get a nice spot - but whichever the...

How Do Destination Wedding Invitations Differ From Those For Hometown Weddings

02/03/2016 in Anywhere

For the purposes of this posting, Destination Weddings are those held in exclusive dream destinations where only a few invited guests attend whereas Hometown Weddings are used in reference to weddings held in your local area.

Destination weddings are more likely to be organized by a hired professional wedding organizer while hometown weddings are organized by friends and close relatives....

5 Places Online to Buy Destination Wedding Dresses

02/03/2016 in Anywhere

There is no glamour without active participation. Fortunately for you, I have done the research of where you can buy that glamorous wedding dress easily. Even better, the online shopping portals I am going to suggest are nothing like the local bridal salon. They offer great policies such as free shipping return and awesome designer fittings. Take a look.

1. Shopbop.com

Whether you...

Cool Ways For Your Wedding Ring To Be Brought To You During The Ceremony

02/03/2016 in Anywhere

Everybody wants to personalize their wedding in a bid to make the experience a memorable one. One way to ensure that your wedding is memorable is how your rings are delivered.

Forget the ancient 'bestman and bestmaid carries the ring' tradition. You would want to make a lasting impression. Think outside the box. Below are some suggestions that may wow your...

Who takes care of what bills for a Destination Wedding?

02/03/2016 in Anywhere

Here is a guideline to who pays what.

In any wedding, there are several parties involved. They are;

-The bride and groom
-The grooms buddies and parents
-The bridesmaids and parents

Now if you want a wedding where you do not have to shoulder every cost, you need to share out the costs to all these people. The following is how the destination wedding...

The World's Best Yoga Spots

02/03/2016 in Anywhere

One of the most renowned relaxation and meditation exercises is Yoga. It not only helps a person concentrate and become one with nature but also focus less on his problems and more on relaxing. Below are the world's hottest Yoga Spots.

Sivananda Yoga Vedanta Dhanwantari Ashram

This is the world's top yoga destination. It offers lessons in Yoga and is big on...

Laurisilva of Madeira, The Mustn't Miss Destination In Portugal

02/03/2016 in Madeira

Laurisilva of Madeira comprises of 15,000 hectares and is located in the larger 27,000 hectares Madeira Nature Reserve. The site is made up of primary laurel forest, a vegetation species that is only found in the Azores, Canary Islands and Madeira. The Laurel forest found here is the largest surviving forest of its kind in the world. Around 90% of...