
Looking to study Spanish? The Wayra Spanish Institute could be the perfect place for you!

This Spanish School is located in the Guanacaste Province, Tamarindo, Costa Rica. This tranquil and relaxing institute is placed in the perfect location so that you can get the perfect balance between beach AND forest. Their outdoor classrooms allow you to connect with Costa Rica's finest nature while progressing in your Spanish studies.

So, are you looking for the most out of your immersive Spanish experience? Well, The Wayra Spanish Institute might be perfect for you! They have various study programs that are designed to fit your lifestyle, interests, and learning needs, such as:

Group Program: Are you looking for interactive group learning? Private Tutorial: Or perhaps you learn best one on one with a private tutor? Whatever works best for you, Wayra has it!

Spanish and Surf: Perhaps you looking for adventure AND learning? Well, maybe Wayra's Surf and Study program might be the perfect combination to satisfy your body AND mind!

Volunteer Program: What if you're looking to give back to the community while you learn? Well, Wayra's volunteer program is perfect for those looking to fully immerse themselves in the culture and lifestyle of the community while advancing with a fun and useful new skill!

These are just a few of the amazing opportunities available to you at the Wayra school!

Our marketing gal Judy studied at Wayra in May 2017. Visit our Facebook page to see some of her photos. Contact Jubilee Travel to learn more!

Experience information

  • Tamarindo, Costa Rica
  • Tamarindo is a town and distrito located on the Northern Pacific coast of Costa Rica in the Province of Guanacaste. The main attractions are surfing and eco-tourism which attract to over 4,000 people during the tourist season and during special holidays.

    ", photo_url: nil, title: "Tamarindo Airport", types: nil, google_place: nil, created_at: ~N[2011-06-03 14:18:01], address: "tamarindo airport, 03, costa rica"}"/>