
Jubilee Travel Blogs

How Can Travel Lovers Celebrate World Tapas Day?

06/10/2021 in Spain
This is something we can get on board with! A few years ago, Spain declared the third Thursday of June ‘World Tapas Day,’ which in 2021 falls on June 10.

Tapas comes from the Spanish verb ‘tapar’ or to ‘cover’, and story goes that back in the day, ‘tapas’ was simply the piece of bread or maybe meat that you used...

'Revenge Travel' is the Latest Trend - And Here's How to Get Some

“Living well is the best revenge,” said a 16th-century poet, and that line may be the inspiration for one of the latest trends in travel.

Over a year of travel shutdowns has reminded us of how precious the privilege to explore the world is – and how we can’t take for granted that the special trips we’ve been dreaming about...

10 Reasons to Visit Columbia on Your Next Trip to Latin America

05/13/2021 in Colombia
Colombia is reborn. Named after the 15th-century explorer of the Americas, Colombia stands out as the only nation in South America with coastlines on both the Pacific Ocean and the Caribbean, as well as being the leading source of coffee and emeralds in the world.
Colombia has found new followers among savvy global travellers, who, in survey after survey cited the...

5 Ways to Explore this Country’s Desert From the Traditional to the Extreme

05/13/2021 in Qatar
If you missed your dose of exotic scenery and culture – or even winter sports adrenaline this year, one country’s desert can feed your travel imagination.

The Qatar peninsula juts a hundred miles out from the Arabian Peninsula into the Persian Gulf. Most travellers to the region focus on the thrilling, ultra-modern capital city of Doha. But most of the...

Celebrating World Cocktail Day with a Travel-Inspired Cocktail... or Two

What’s not to love about May 13th? World Cocktail day has two of my favorite words: world, and cocktail.
For those of us who love to travel… and love to get into the ‘spirit’ of the moment with a locally-sourced beverage, cocktail recipes can be some of our most cherished travel souvenirs.

And drinks at a smart bar can be...

Riding the Rails AND the Waves in the Latest Travel Trend

There’s a phrase in travel: ‘Multi-modal’. Think of ‘planes, trains and automobiles,’ where you complete your trip via a number of different types of transportation.

Multi-modal travel is not new. But one version – larger-than-life journeys combining the romance of both cruise and rail - is picking up steam.

Ships and trains are a natural fit, even mirror images of each other:...

A Twist on 'April Showers' at This Country's New Year Celebrations

04/22/2021 in Thailand
Many modern holiday celebrations put an irreverent twist on their historic – and often more solemn -traditions.
Thailand’s Songkran may be one of the most extreme examples of that phenomenon.

Ancient Thai culture marked the New Year in what we now call April. The word is Sanskrit, meaning ‘astrological passage’, and it coincides with the rising of Aries and the...

Spring Gardens, Tropical-Style in Costa Rica

'Spring flowers’ takes on new meaning in the tropics.

With Costa Rica’s epic biodiversity and commitment to conservation, lush, green landscapes are a given any time you visit. But some of the Central American country’s botanical gems are best discovered not in the wilderness, but in gardens crafted by human hands.

Here are five gardens to add ‘color’ to your...

Get Into the Spirit of the 'Most Exciting Two Minutes in Sports'

04/22/2021 in Kentucky
Spring brings longer days, warmer weather… and the thunder of hooves as horse racing begins in North America and Europe. 

On this side of the pond, there’s no better way to get your heart racing than to be in the stands for the legendary Kentucky Derby. Held on the first Saturday of May, the epic race gets the serious horse racing...

Signs of Spring - Worth Traveling For

Spring may be the most hopeful season.

There is nothing more uplifting than seeing Nature reborn every Spring. It’s like an assurance that life will get better again, no matter how tough the dark days of Winter – or life – have been.

Between March’s Spring Equinox and the start of Summer on the Solstice in June, the days get...